This is an incomplete list of links to pages that I think are interesting, important, useful, helpful, or just plain cool.
The Castoe Lab at UT Arlington: Todd Castoe studies snake genomics. He leverages the diversity and extreme biology of squamates to investigate questions relating to adaptation, speciation, and vertebrate physiology development and evolution.
The Boissinot Lab at NYUAD: Stephane Boissinot studies evolutionary genomics, transposable element biology, and east African wildlife biogeography.
The Pollock Lab at University of Colorado School of Medicine: David Pollock studies evolutionary genomics, transposable element biology, protein sequence, structure, and functional evolution, adaptive coevolution and ancestral state reconstruction. An online resource for helping you find interesting news in Genomics.
The Handbook of Biological Statistics: An online textbook by John H. McDonald, and a great resource for choosing the appropriate statistical test for an experiment, applying that test and interpreting the results.
Ten Simple Rules for a Computational Biologist’s Laboratory Notebook: A key reference for getting new researchers started on the right track, forming good habits documenting their progress.
The best Computational Biologist’s resource I’ve found is Ming Tang’s GitHub page: I may copy the long and remarkably useful list of resources found here, including sites on computational biology, statistics, LINUX, R, visualization …
OneZoom tree of life explorer: An interactive map of the evolutionary relationships between 2,123,183 species of life on our planet. Maybe one of the most relaxing science websites.
Cryptogenomicon: This is a web page from the Eddy/Rivas labs at Harvard that has useful updates about HMMER, and their work in general. I am very envious of this clever domain name because I agree with the perspective it suggests about the genome and code breaking, and because I am also a Neal Stephenson fan.
The UCSC Genome Browser:
RStudio Online Learning Resources: This is a great place to start if you want to develop your quantitative reasoning skills. It includes several links to great resources not just for using R but also for learning statistics and data analysis. If that's is too much at once, here's a simple but useful intro
Stack Overflow: Somebody knows why your code isn't working.
Phylogenetic Comparative Methods by Luke J. Harmon: An exciting, open-source text that looks like it will both easy to read and informative.
Methods in Population Genomics: A great collection of methods to infer population structure and explore population-scale datasets.
BIOCONDA: An incredible time saver often paired with this cheatsheet
Basic Statistics: A thoughtful and interesting blog that covers many common pitfalls and has a nice list of some essential readings
NYU-NYUAD Center for Genomics and Systems Biology Bioinformatics Bootcamp: Notes for anyone who wants to master next-gen sequencing analysis.
My essential toolbox for bioinformatics by Daniela C. Soto, a Fulbright Scholar in the Dennis Lab at U.C. Davis: A great, concise guide for setting up your bioinformatics battle station. I strongly endorse the Rubber Duck Debugging approach as described here.
The pipefishguy R course by Adam Jones: The simplest, clearest introduction to R that I've come across ( ). It's so succinct that I'm starting his textbook C++ for Biologists: Evolutionary Models.
Iowa State Bioinformatics Workbook: A cool new log of bioinformatics and a particularly good resource for beginners. It's from the Genome Informatics Facility at Iowa State University.
Fundamentals of Data Visualization by Claus O. Wilke: A great guide to "making visualizations that accurately reflect the data, tell a story, and look professional... The entire book is written in R Markdown..."
Algorithms for DNA Sequencing: Video lectures from Ben Langmead's Algorithms for DNA Sequencing Coursera class.
A Bioinformatician's UNIX Toolbox: The time I could have saved if I had this open on my screen the first time I sat down and opened a terminal.